Sunday, August 1, 2010

Icebox Pie

I knew it had been a while since I last posted, but didn't know it had been three months, yikes.  Pie.  Doesn't that work open the floodgate of memories for you, I know it  does for me.  I've always been a pie kind of guy, well actually I'm a desserts kind of guy.  Cream pies are among my top favorite desserts.  As a child my family and I drove my small town to "the big city" of Joplin, MO every Friday night it for dinner and shopping around at the mall.  We hardly ever bought anything, just walked around.  Dinner was always Wyatt's Cafeteria which was in the mall.  My standard meal: chicken fried vealette, cream gravy, mashed potatoes, cream gravy, broccoli, chocolate milk, white roll, and apple pie.  This wasn't just an ordinary apple pie though.  This apple pie was drenched in this decadent cinnamon sauce and served warm.  My favorite part was the crust.  Wyatt's is long gone, but my dreams about eating one more slice of that pie are still very present.  Sad the cafeteria style restaurant is no more prevalent that it is.

I can't remember when or where I came across the recipe for Icebox pie.  All I know is it's the quickest, most simple to prepare, yet full of flavor pie ever.  It just screams summertime.  It's refreshing, tangy, not too sweet, but sweet enough.  The good thing about the recipe list is that you can make it as guilt free as you like.  You can get reduced fat sweetened condensed milk, sugar-free cool-whip and reduced sugar juice concentrates now which will help if you need to cut down on calories.  I usually go with the full fat version.  The other added bonus is that any juice concentrate works just fine.  You can even use the frozen daiquiri mixes with great results.  When it comes to the crust, I usually go with the Nilla or shortbread pre-made crust because the graham crust is completely expected.

Here is all you need to make this wonderful pie:

1 16 oz container Whipped Topping (I use Cool-Whip)
1 14 oz can frozen juice concentrate (I used Pink Lemonade for this one)
1 14 oz can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1 ready made Shortbread pie crust.

In a medium bowl add the milk and concentrate, mix until combined. Add whipped topping and stir until completely combined.  You'll need to be careful if your whipped topping is still frozen because it takes a while for it to get incorporated.  Who wants lumpy pie?  I usually have more filling than I have room, feel free to grab a spoon and eat the remaining filling.

Pour the topping into the prepared crust.  Use the little plastic dome as the cover and secure.  Place in the freezer at least one hour before, I usually let it set up overnight.  Take it out about 30 minutes before ready to serve.  I like to use a can of whipped cream and kind of jazz up the top with little dollops around the outside edge.